TRAVEL LIGHT, LIGHT BEARERS! Being Buddha 24/7 in 2024
Day-Long Live Virtual Meditation Retreat with Lama Surya Das Saturday, January 6, 20249 AM to 4 PM ET (US East Coast Time)
Enter the New Year with a renewed sense of direction and more peace in your heart. This retreat will focus on discovering how to apply the Dharma in daily life. Being Buddha, light bearers, awakeners of wisdom and compassion-in-action, we follow in the Buddha’s footsteps. In these turbulent times, one wonders if the world is on fire - like a boiling ocean of suffering and confusion, as spiritual traditions have often told us. Haven’t we always been in a dire situation on one hand, as well as a miracle and blessing on the other? In the Diamond Sutra, Buddha taught on the eight similes of illusion: Thus shall you view this world: like a dream, a fantasy, a mirage, flashes of lightning in the summer sky, clouds passing, dewdrops evaporating on blades of grass, sitcom, and a hallucination…. Everything changes. It’s not what happens, but what we make of it that makes all the difference. Lama Surya will offer teachings, guided meditation, prayers, chanting and Q & R. Our live retreats are open to new and seasonedpractitioners in any spiritual tradition.
Enter the New Year with a renewed sense of direction and more peace in your heart. This retreat will focus on discovering how to apply the Dharma in daily life. Being Buddha, light bearers, awakeners of wisdom and compassion-in-action, we follow in the Buddha’s footsteps. In these turbulent times, one wonders if the world is on fire - like a boiling ocean of suffering and confusion, as spiritual traditions have often told us. Haven’t we always been in a dire situation on one hand, as well as a miracle and blessing on the other? In the Diamond Sutra, Buddha taught on the eight similes of illusion: Thus shall you view this world: like a dream, a fantasy, a mirage, flashes of lightning in the summer sky, clouds passing, dewdrops evaporating on blades of grass, sitcom, and a hallucination…. Everything changes. It’s not what happens, but what we make of it that makes all the difference.
Lama Surya will offer teachings, guided meditation, prayers, chanting and Q & R.
Our live retreats are open to new and seasonedpractitioners in any spiritual tradition.
For more information, including schedule, please visit our website here.
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