Mudita: Rejoicing in the Sacred Joy of Naturalness and Ordinariness
Saturday, February 10, 2024 11 AM to 1 PM ET (US East Coast Time)
Mudita, or empathic joy, is one of the four arms of Buddha’s Love. Boundless, sympathetic joy in the benefits of others. Cultivating Mudita enhances our ability to see and appreciate the fullness of our interbeing with everyone and everything in everyday world. As Buddha taught, each facet of his all-embracing love is without boundaries and sacred joy is the birthright of each and all of us. Let’s explore empathic joy as it stirs us to equanimity and is nourished by compassion. We will engage in guided meditation on sacred joy, awe and related mysteries. “Since things are not what they seem to be, beyond good and bad, liking and disliking, adopting or rejecting, one might as well burst out laughing.” ~Longchenpa
Each session topic is unique; it is not necessary to have attended other sessions.
The virtual Master Class course consists of 8 individual live virtual classes held one Saturday each month, September 2023 through April 2024. Each class has an introduction, guided meditation, teaching, Q & R, and concluding remarks. Participants may purchase the entire course (8 sessions), or choose the individual topics they prefer.
All sessions will be recorded and available for download and on-demand viewing.
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